2021 – With Marvin Rees

Cratus had the pleasure of hosting the 3rd Chamberlain Lecture.

Following on from Lord Heseltine in 2018 and Lord Kerslake in 2019 – two figures who have played major roles in our public life – in 2021 we invited someone from the current generation of civic leaders, Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol.

We first met Marvin just after he was first elected in 2016. In our first encounter we watched him listen to those around him before he shared his thoughts. He is a skilled advocate for his vision of what Bristol should become, clear on how that should be achieved and firm on what he expects of those who want to be part of his vision.

He has brought stakeholders across the city together to debate the big issues of the day and for him and his team to promote their work and of others. His energy and charm make these gatherings uplifting.

Marvin had also starred in the acclaimed BBC documentary ‘Statue Wars: One Summer in Bristol’. No documentary could better frame the reason why we asked Marvin to give the lecture. He serves his city with the vision, passion and ingenuity that Chamberlain himself showed when he was Mayor of Birmingham.

Compelling viewing, we hope you enjoy this catch-up version of the lecture and a must watch Q&A that showcases a true champion of our Local World.